Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Lorax, Writer's Notebook and more subtraction

Today was a full on day with no students going in and out of class. Crack the whip!  First up students were given  a copy of the cover of The Lorax by Dr Seuss and asked to do either a See, Think, Wonder Y chart or a Talk to the Picture on it. These visual organizers are pasted in the back of their Writer's Notebook.  We then shared our ideas and watched the animation adapted from the book. On Thursday we will be viewing the latest adaption at Village Cinema with our book buddies. Students have been given a couple of pages of the book each which they will read out in turn to recreate the book (a second visit if you like after watching the above animation). I noticed some of the texts were still in tote trays at the end of the day so those students must be confident with an off the cuff delivery  tomorrow. We  also discussed the use of personification and alliteration and assonance in relation to the text. After lunch students used the What, Who, Why, Where formula to further explore the animation. This will be continued tomorrow and used to assist them write a synopsis (summary) of the film, a character study and a discussion of the main messages the film delivers. The homework night for finishing this literacy activity will be the usual Wednesday slot. 

After recess, it was a maths focus, beginning with three Guess the number games, and then a lesson on mixed numbers as many students weren't sure about this concept. It was then time for Monster Grid 9. The subtraction lesson from Friday was then continued. Students were paired up and used the MAB to assist them in their understanding of regrouping.  Students only had  homework if they did not quite finish this activity, I will be collecting them tomorrow morning.

The afternoon started with Quiet Reading whilst I helped students scan their Marvellous Microorganism jigsaws. Some of these are outstanding. We still need to make some more boxes to house them in.  And then, as stated before students continued with The Lorax study.

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